Saturday, January 23, 2010

Random Frenches

Here are some REALLY old french manis I've done in the past...
I love doing frenches but sadly my stained nails are visible to the whole world! Nowadays I just do a coat or two of nudes to begin with.

bl1r.jpg (495×1464)
51992365.jpg (614×460)
bw1um.jpg (486×1068)
64753718.jpg (488×338)
nude1zp.jpg (400×304)
eep, badly freehanded frenchs /hide

purfrench.jpg (600×944)

Bet It All On OPI

betitallonopi.jpg (400×2703)

Haha, this one is an old picture--check out my nail shape! xD
It's so sharp and squared, I can slice cheese with it!
I rounded it off a bit afterwards... but it's fun to play :P

Pure Ice Wild Thing

greenhm.jpg (500×1483)

Pure Ice Wild Thing

Saturday, January 2, 2010